Terms and Conditions and Regulations

Here you will find the General Terms and Conditions of Unzer Group GmbH and its affiliated companies, special terms and conditions and other additional agreements. You can also find an overview of the special conditions relevant to each service here.

Terms & Conditions

Appendix 4 – One Unzer Merchant Agreement

General Terms and Conditions One Unzer

valid since 01.08.2024


Appendix 4 - One Unzer Merchant Agreement

General Terms and Conditions One Unzer

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with the signing of the contract from 01.01.2025


Appendix 3 – Merchant Agreement Unzer E-Com

Available soon!

General Terms and Conditions One Unzer

valid since 01.06.2024


Appendix 4 – Merchant Agreement Unzer E-Com

Available soon!

General Terms and Conditions Unzer E-Com

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer E-Com GmbH with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Product-Specific Special Conditions

Appendix 5 – Merchant Agreement One Unzer

Special Conditions Distance Selling One Unzer

valid since 01.03.2024


Appendix 5 – Merchant Agreement One Unzer

Special Conditions Distance Selling One Unzer

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Appendix 5 – Merchant Agreement One Unzer

Special Terms and Conditions POS One Unzer

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Appendix 5 – Merchant Agreement One Unzer

Special Terms and Conditions POS Applications One Unzer

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Appendix 5 – One Unzer Merchant Agreement

Special Terms and Conditions Card Present One Unzer

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Appendix 5 – One Unzer Merchant Agreement

Special Terms and Conditions for Buy now Pay later (BNPL)

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Appendix 5 – Merchant Agreement Unzer E-Com

Available soon!

Special Conditions Distance Selling

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer E-Com with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Other Appendixes and Supplementary Agreements

Appendix 3 – One Unzer Merchant Agreement

Product Description One Unzer

valid since 01.11.2024


Appendix 6 – One Unzer Merchant Agreement

Conditions for the Provision of One Unzer Clearing Services

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Appendix 7 – One Unzer Merchant Agreement

Acquiring One Unzer Addendum

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Data protection attachments

Appendix 8 – Merchant Agreement One Unzer

Available soon!

Order Processing Agreement POS Applications

valid for all new contractual partners of Unzer Luxembourg S.A. with contract signing from 01.01.2025


Appendix Data Protection - Merchant Agreement One Unzer

(valid since 01.01.2025)


Order Processing Agreement - POS Applications

Order Processing Agreement POS Applications

valid for contractual partners of Unzer POS GmbH with contract signing from 01.01.2025



Third-Party Terms

Customer Information on Direct Debit Payments via InterCard

Available soon!


Special conditions of Intercard AG for EC card clearing

Available soon!


Special conditions for the provision of clearing services (Payone)

Available soon!


"Central Clearing" investment from Concardis GmbH

Available soon!



Previous versions of the General Terms and Conditions of Unzer Group GmbH and its affiliated companies as well as the special terms and conditions and other additional agreements can be found here.

Appendix Data Protection One Unzer_Aug_2023


Appendix 4 GTCs One Unzer_V_1.1_Aug_2024


Appendix 7_SA Acquirer One Unzer_Apr_2024


Appendix 5_Special Conditions Distance Selling One Unzer_V_1.1_Mär_2024


Appendix 4_GTSs One Unzer_V_1.0_Aug_2023


Appendix 3_Product Descriptions One Unzer_Aug_2023
