Your Business Performs Better with Unzer Payment Solutions

The trend towards a healthier and more active lifestyle is a constant driver of revenue in sports retail. The competition is also increasing at the same time. Overtake your competitors with tailored payment solutions from Unzer. Let's go!

Die Modebranche in Zahlen

23,7 Mrd. €

im Bereich Fashion & Accessoires im Jahr 2022.

42,9 %

Onlineanteil am Gesamtmarkt Fashion & Accessoires im Jahr 2022.

51 %

Händler mit kanalübergreifendem Einkaufserlebnis

Quelle: HDE Online-Monitor, 2023 und ECC KÖLN/Unzer, Unified Commerce in der Fashionbranche, 2023

We Support
Your Success.

Kleidung, Schuhe und Accessoires werden im häufiger online gekauft. Nahezu alle Modemarken sind heute im E-Commerce aktiv. Je intensiver der Wettbewerb, umso wichtiger ist eine optimale Conversion für Fashion-Onlineshops. Kund:innen erwarten einen schnellen und vertrauenswürdigen Bezahlprozess mit der von ihnen bevorzugten Zahlart. Mit Unzer kannst Du alle gängigen Bezahlmethoden integrieren und die Auswahl jederzeit problemlos anpassen. Komplettiert wird der perfekte Checkout durch eine effektive Betrugsprävention. Wir entwickeln eine Risikostrategie, die speziell auf Deinen Shop zugeschnitten ist. Dafür kombinieren wir neueste Technologien mit umfassendem Branchen-Know-how.

Unzer Is Your Payment Partner
for the Entire Customer Journey.

payment solutions

200 payment methods, 160 countries,
all currencies.

Lift Your Revenue with the Right Mix of Payment Methods

Customers expect convenient payment methods that they trust – both online and at the point of sale. In 2020, the most popular payment types in ecommerce were PayPal, pay by invoice, direct debit, and credit cards. Contactless payments with cards or digital wallets are also becoming ever more popular at the point of sale. Unzer can offer you the right mix of payment methods for your shop. This helps you avoid abandoned shopping baskets and increase your conversion rate.

Allow Customers to Pay by Invoice or in Instalments – Without the Risk

Customers love flexibility. Shoppers that can pay later or split the total costs into convenient instalments tend to buy more and make repeat purchases. With Unzer, you can offer your customers the option to pay by invoice or in instalments – not just online, but also at the POS. This is an easy way to increase your revenue and boost your customer loyalty without taking on any risk. We guarantee immediate payment, no matter when or whether the customer pays the invoice amount.

The Right Setup for Your Point of Sale

Having the right hardware in your shop reduces your workload and helps you sell more. We work with you to find the best option for your needs, from mobile terminals to iPad-based POS systems. Make in-store shopping just as easy as online shopping for your customers by offering all popular payment methods, including Apple Pay and instalment purchases. With our smart POS solution, you can accept payments, manage your inventory, and monitor your revenue – all in a single system.

Payment as a Revenue Driver in the Outdoor and Sporting Goods Retail Sector: Tips and Customer Examples

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem ECC Köln hat Unzer aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Fashionbranche analysiert. Die Studie beleuchtet potenzielle Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Kundenerfahrung und der Umsatzchancen.

Stories unserer Kunden

Mehr Wissen.
Mehr Umsatz.

Everything you need for smooth payment transactions

Wir entwickeln eine Zahlungslösung, die perfekt zu Deinem Fashion Business passt.