Retail Solutions: All Channels from a Single Source

The Right Payment Platform for Your Business Model

Jedes Unternehmen ist einzigartig. Was brauchst Du, um erfolgreich zu sein? Wir bieten Dir flexible Zahlungslösungen, die perfekt zu Dir passen.


25.-26. Juni 2024

Wo Du Unzer findest

Estrel Berlin, Expo Hall 2, Stand 107

Was wir Dir bieten

Maßgeschneiderte Zahlungslösungen für neue Umsatzpotenziale in Deinem Unternehmen

Unzer Highlight

Am 25.06. um 12 Uhr präsentieren wir auf der Bühne die Erfolgsstory unseres Kunden fashionette


Wir verlosen an unserem Stand 3x1 Hospitality-Ticket für das EM-Gruppenspiel am 25.06. im Berliner Olympiastadion: Niederlande - Österreich

Du verkaufst online und offline? Mit Unzer laufen Deine Zahlungsdaten aus sämtlichen Kanälen auf einer zentralen Plattform zusammen. Unsere Analysen helfen Dir, das Kaufverhalten Deiner Kunden besser zu verstehen.

Meeting mit Carsten Heerink
Unified commerce

One Payment Platform for
All Sales Channels.

Do you run an online shop in addition to your brick-and-mortar business? Are you planning to in the future? Unzer can help you to become an omnichannel business.

  • We reduce your administrative effort.
  • You benefit from a 360-degree view of your business.
  • Offer a seamless shopping experience across every channel with services such as click & collect.
  • Offer a seamless shopping experience across every channel with services such as click & collect.
Payment methods

The Right Mix of
Payment Methods

Unified commerce

One Payment Platform for
All Sales Channels.

Do you run an online shop in addition to your brick-and-mortar business? Are you planning to in the future? Unzer can help you to become an omnichannel business.

Payment methods

The Right Mix of
Payment Methods

Tailored to your industry

Using the experience we’ve gained from merchants in all kinds of industries, we can advise you on everything to do with payment.