Data Protection

Here you will find our data protection declaration as well as the data protection information according to Articles 13, 14, and 21 of the GDPR.

General information

The following information will provide you with an easy to navigate overview of what will happen with your personal data when you visit this website. The term "personal data" comprises all data that can be used to personally identify you. For detailed information about the subject matter of data protection, please consult our Data Protection Declaration, which we have included beneath this copy.

You can find our privacy policy referring to article 13,14 and 21 DSGVO under the following link: Datenschutzhinweise gem. Art 13, 14 und 21 DSGVO.

Data recording on this website

Who is the responsible party for the recording of data on this website (i.e. the "controller")?

How do we record your data?

What are the purposes we use your data for?

What rights do you have as far as your information is concerned?

Analysis tools and tools provided by third parties

Hosting und Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

External Hosting

This website is hosted by an external service provider (host). Personal data collected on this website are stored on the servers of the host. These may include, but are not limited to, IP addresses, contact requests, metadata and communications, contract information, contact information, names, web page access, and other data generated through a web site. The host is used for the purpose of fulfilling the contract with our potential and existing customers (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR) and in the interest of secure, fast and efficient provision of our online services by a professional provider (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR). Our host will only process your data to the extent necessary to fulfil its performance obligations and to follow our instructions with respect to such data. We are using the following host: Netlify, Inc., located at 2325 3rd Street, Suite 296, San Francisco, California 94107

Execution of a contract data processing agreement

In order to guarantee processing in compliance with data protection regulations, we have concluded an order processing contract with our host.

General information and mandatory information

Data protection

The operators of this website and its pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Hence, we handle your personal data as confidential information and in compliance with the statutory data protection regulations and this Data Protection Declaration. Whenever you use this website, a variety of personal information will be collected. Personal data comprises data that can be used to personally identify you. This Data Protection Declaration explains which data we collect as well as the purposes we use this data for. It also explains how, and for which purpose the information is collected. We herewith advise you that the transmission of data via the Internet (i.e. through e-mail communications) may be prone to security gaps. It is not possible to completely protect data against third party access.

Information about the responsible party (referred to as the "controller" in the GDPR)

The data processing controller on this website are:

Unzer Group GmbH

  • Schöneberger Str. 21 a
  • D-10963 Berlin
  • Telefon: +49 30 837 93 000
  • Data protection department:

Unzer E-Com GmbH

  • Vangerowstraße 18
  • D 69115 Heidelberg
  • Telefon: +49 30 837 93 000
  • Data protection department:

Unzer POS GmbH

  • Frankenstraße 3
  • 20097 Hamburg
  • Telefon: +49 30 837 93 000
  • Data protection department:

Unzer Austria GmbH

  • Columbusplatz 7-8
  • 1100 Vienna
  • Telefon: +43 (1) 513 66 33 – 0
  • Data protection department:

Unzer Luxembourg S.A. société anonyme

  • Parc d´Activité Syrdall 2
  • 18 - 20 rue Gabriel Lippmann
  • L- 5365 Munsbach
  • Telefon: +352 266 227-1
  • Data protection department: E-Mail:

Payolution GmbH

  • Columbusplatz 7-8
  • Stiege 1 / 5. Stock
  • 1100 Wien
  • Telefon: +43 1236 0 2300
  • Data protection department: E-Mail:

The controller is the natural person or legal entity that single-handedly or jointly with others makes decisions as to the purposes of and resources for the processing of personal data (e.g. names, e-mail addresses, etc.).

Designation of a data protection officer as mandated by law

We have appointed a data protection officer for our company.

  • Unzer Group GmbH:
  • Unzer E-Com:
  • Unzer POS GmbH:
  • Unzer Austria:
  • Unzer Luxembourg:
  • Payolution GmbH:
  • Tillhub GmbH:

Storage duration

Unless a more specific storage period has been specified in this privacy policy, your personal data will remain with us until the purpose for which it was collected no longer applies. If you assert a justified request for deletion or revoke your consent to data processing, your data will be deleted, unless we have other legally permissible reasons for storing your personal data (e.g. tax or commercial law retention periods); in the latter case, the deletion will take place after these reasons cease to apply.

Information on data transfer to the USA

Our website uses, in particular, tools from companies based in the USA. When these tools are active, your personal information may be transferred to the US servers of these companies. We must point out that the USA is not a safe third country within the meaning of EU data protection law. US companies are required to release personal data to security authorities without you as the data subject being able to take legal action against this. The possibility cannot therefore be excluded that US authorities (e.g. secret services) may process, evaluate and permanently store your data on US servers for monitoring purposes. We have no influence over these processing activities.

Revocation of your consent to the processing of data

Right to object to the collection of data in special cases; right to object to direct advertising (Art. 21 GDPR)

Right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory agency

Right to data portability

SSL and/or TLS encryption

Information about, rectification and eradication of data

Right to demand processing restrictions

Rejection of unsolicited e-mails

Recording of data on this website


Cookie Consent with Usercentrics


Diese Technologien werden von Werbetreibenden verwendet, um Anzeigen zu schalten, die für Ihre Interessen relevant sind.


These technologies are required to activate the core functionality of the website.

Server log files

The provider of this website and its pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser communicates to us automatically. The information comprises:

  • The type and version of browser used
  • The used operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • The hostname of the accessing computer
  • The time of the server inquiry
  • The IP address

This data is not merged with other data sources. This data is recorded on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the technically error free depiction and the optimization of the operator’s website. In order to achieve this, server log files must be recorded.

Contact form

Request by e-mail, telephone or fax

Registration on this website

Processing of data (customer and contract data)

Analysis tools and advertising

Google Analytics

Google Ads

Google Remarketing

Google Conversion-Tracking

Facebook Pixel

LinkedIn Insight Tag

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

GA Connector




Newsletter data

Microsoft Dynamics 365 für Marketing

Custom Services

Job Applications

Scope and purpose of the collection of data

Data Archiving Period

Admission to the applicant pool

Our social media appearances

Data processing through social networks

Legal basis

Responsibility and assertion of rights

Storage time

Individual social networks





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Download - Datenschutz Unzer Austria GmbH - Geschäftskunden


Download - Datenschutz Payolution GmbH - Geschäftskunden


Download - Datenschutz Payolution GmbH - Partner


Download - Datenschutz Payolution GmbH - Bewerber


Download - Datenschutz Payolution GmbH - Endkunden


Download - Datenschutz - Endkunden - Unzer Austria


Download - Datenschutz - Bewerber - Unzer Austria


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